Things We've Built
Necessity is the mother of invention. Here are things we've built that we use in our own games. These are open source, so feel free to contibute to them!
Daft Discord Bot
Set the mood of your game in Discord with music. Daft is a Discord bot that plays music based on tags.
Install Daft
Dwight Discord Bot
Assistant to the Dungeon Master. Dwight is a Discord bot that helps you run your game. Generate loot, find spells and more.
Install Dwight
Magic Item Price Calculator
Need to figure out how much that item magic costs? Use this Calculator! Takes local variables into consideration to determine the price of a magical item.
Try out the calculator
Dungeon Building
Tools and resources to help you build your dungeons.
Encounter Tools
Plan and run encounters.
Loot Generator
Generate treasure for encounters, roll treasure tables, or magical items for the party.
World Building
Tools and resources to help you build out homebrew worlds.
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